
One Community... Indivisible. an Interprofessional Knotworking Collaboration: A Community Victim-centered Response Capacity Building and Strengthening Initiative with Equity, Human Rights, and Gender Equality Central to All Goals

Thursday, August 13, 2020, 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm EDT
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The sudden, unexpected, and idiosyncratic nature of crises, including pandemics or mass violence events (MVE), require coordinated and expedient responses from a nexus of professionals with expertise across sectors and oftentimes at community, regional, and state levels (Amfar, 2020). The concept of leaving no one behind, or “reaching the last ones first,” draws from the World Health Organization’s 1984 overarching goal of equitable health coverage for all. The proposed victim-centered response programming aims to establish a knotworking collaboration between the interprofessional academic teams and diverse community members through the development of individualized training and technical assistance (TTA) programming that addresses main drivers of cross-cutting issues of critical importance (violence, poverty, etc.) based on individualized community needs assessments “bottom-up” approach. This newly created hybrid working group will strengthen, expand, and diversify the community’s existing first responder nexus and capacity through utilization of evidence-based, evidence-informed, and emerging methodologies. With principles anchored in institutional coordination, transparent and independent oversight, paying particular attention to victims and families, we will simultaneously pilot this scaling-up collaborative venture in the city of Newark, N.J. Driven by diverse segments of the community, working alongside multi-sector actors, and other providers, this work will maximize engagement and promote resilience. Participatory approaches generate commitment, build ownership, create champions, and ensure transparency (Saldana et al., 2019). Since the implementation process is recursive, individual components of the TTA will be phased in, evaluated, adjusted according to feedback, and then tested together as a comprehensive TTA. The inclusion of measureable outcomes is heavily interwoven throughout the seminar.



1. The learner will gain knowledge on use of group activity and simulation tools to assess individual and team competencies, create and plan activities, assess, monitor, and evaluate those activities based on the Core Humanitarian Competency Framework.

2. The learner will utilize mechanisms to ensure that services are not duplicated and delivery is driven by collectively agreed-upon strategic priorities.

3. The learner will perform a targeted needs assessment and gap analysis and address existing and/or emergent gaps, barriers, and cross-cutting issues in their practice community.


1. obtain their practice community’s CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) (either before the event or during, depending on organization’s preference) to identify its capacity to prepare for and response to stress or disasters.

2. explore the Prevention Institute’s interactive collaboration multiplier that can be adapted to accommodate each community’s unique contexts. The shared goals are underpinned by social justice.


• Background

• Firearms/Domestic Terrorism/Natural Disasters/Pandemics/Other Mass Casualty Attacks

• Legal and Health Resources/Services in the Community and Gaps

• Mental health/Population Health/Social Justice/Interprofessional Learning

• Project Goals and Objectives

• Curriculum

o Capabilities/Competencies

 School of Nursing

• Community Health Center

• Program Design and Implementation Plan

• Network Engagement

• Team Leadership Program-Victim-Centered Response

• Healthcare System/ Preparedness and Risk Management

o Government Engagement (local, state)

• Expert Consultations/Trainings/Collaborations for Prevention and Response Mechanisms

• Training and Technical Assistance Delivery Mechanisms

• Programmatic Tools and Resources

• Matrix of Interventions

• Outreach Evaluation Process