Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Lead Clinical Pharmacist
The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and PrimaryOne Health
Alexa Sevin Valentino, PharmD, BCACP is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and Lead Clinical Pharmacist at PrimaryOne Health, a community health center and NCQA Tier III Patient-Centered Medical Home. Dr. Valentino is passionate about expanding pharmacists’ roles in team-based care for underserved patient populations, which is the focus of her research. Recognizing the importance of team work in providing quality patient care, Dr. Valentino is committed to expanding opportunities for interprofessional education for pharmacy students. She currently serves as the Interprofessional Education Lead for the College of Pharmacy.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background:Motivational interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based process for eliciting behavior change and is taught across health professions. In practice, promoting health behavior change is the responsibility of many members of the care team. Preparing students for collaborative MI requires that they have an understanding of their own and others’ roles/responsibilities and that they are able to communicate effectively with patients, families, and other professionals. Design:Faculty from pharmacy and social work designed a two-hour workshop to help students from various health professions…