Winona State University
Amy Reitmaier Koehler PhD, RN is a Professor of Nursing at Winona State University since 2006. Amy received both her Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing in 1998 and Masters of Science in Nursing Education in 2004 from Winona State University, and her PhD in Nursing from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee in 2010. Amy has worked in several locations as a registered nurse including Saint Anne of Winona, St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, MN in Neurology, and currently works casual on call for Winona Health in Hospice. Background and research interests includes interprofessional education and practice, global health, and gerontology.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background, including statement of problem, and aimsThe purpose of this project is to expand an existing clinical education model at a local university in a rural medically underserved region to create a system for innovative training and practice of interprofessional students in community-based settings. Bridges Health is a student-led, faculty-guided initiative bringing free health services to the community. The mission and goals are to support the needs of the community by bridging the gap of obtaining preventative screening services, while providing a clinical educational model to an…