Assistant Professor-Clinical, Director of Internal Medicine Clinical Track
Ohio State University College of Medicine
Chirag Patel, MD is a board certified internist working as a Hospitalist for the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center since 2012. In addition to being a clinician, he holds multiple education roles in the College of Medicine and teaches or facilitates multiple classes for students in their first, second and fourth year of medical school. He is also a co-course director for an interprofessional course focused on managing patients living in poverty, taken by students from over 10 health science professions. He has been working with EClIPSE for the past two years in conduction interprofessional simulations for students in the health sciences.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Safe and effective healthcare requires the collaborative effort of numerous healthcare professionals, yet this need is not consistently addressed during student professional training. It is not only necessary to follow best practices in educating students in effective interprofessional (IP) communication and collaborative behaviors; it is essential that collaborative behaviors and patterns of communication are practiced during professional training. The Education for Clinical Interprofessional Simulation Excellence (EClIPSE) program at the Ohio State University provides a prime opportunity to…