Erica Chou, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Medical College of Wisconsin
Erica Chou is an Assistant Professor in Pediatric Hospital Medicine and the Director of Medical School Interprofessional Education at the Medical College of Wisconsin. She led the creation and implementation of the Core IPE Thread at MCW. She has also been incorporating medical improv into IPE as the skills and principles of improv are focused on communication and interpersonal interactions.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

When interprofessional education became an accreditation standard for medical schools, our medical school’s initial response was to find areas and topics in the medical student curriculum where students from other professions could join in. As a result, our IPE curriculum became a hodgepodge of one-off sessions that were focused on medical content rather than IPE competencies. Furthermore, different interprofessional students from various programs would meet for each session and then part ways afterwards, without developing any meaningful connection or relationship.   With the increased…
Background:Communication and interpersonal interactions are essential in the practice of patient-and family-centered, team-based collaborative healthcare. Continuous learning and reflection on communication skills are important for all members of the healthcare team, with great benefit when done interprofessionally. Medical improvisation (improv) is the adaptation of improvisational theater principles and skills to the healthcare context. These skills of deep listening, clear information delivery, affirming others and spontaneity are essential for collaborative care and shared decision making…