Clinical Assistant Professor Co-assistant Director of Clinical Education
The Ohio State University - School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (College of Medicine) -Physical Therapy Division
Erin Thomas, PT, DPT, is an Assistant Professor of Practice and co-assistant Director of Clinical Education within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, division of Physical Therapy, at The Ohio State University. She is a founding member of the Education for Clinical Interprofessional Simulation Excellence program and serves as the interprofessional coordinator for the physical therapy division. She has presented nationally on simulation as a teaching tool at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, National Academies of Practice, and the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Secion Meeting and Educational Leadership conferences.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Safe and effective healthcare requires the collaborative effort of numerous healthcare professionals, yet this need is not consistently addressed during student professional training. It is not only necessary to follow best practices in educating students in effective interprofessional (IP) communication and collaborative behaviors; it is essential that collaborative behaviors and patterns of communication are practiced during professional training. The Education for Clinical Interprofessional Simulation Excellence (EClIPSE) program at the Ohio State University provides a prime opportunity to…