Charles R. Walgreen III Professor of Pharmacy Administration
University of Michigan
Dr. Farris is the Charles R. Walgreen III Professor at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy and is Director of the Clinical Pharmacy Translational Sciences Graduate and Fellowship Program. She is a pharmacy health services researcher, focusing on how individuals manage medications and how pharmacists influence medication use. Her most recent work is focused on the symptom experience and medication adherence with oral anti-cancer agents. Dr. Farris was named Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor Award in Biological/Life Sciences at the University of Iowa in 2007, and Distinguished Clinical and Translational Research Mentor in 2016 at the University of Michigan.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
The impact of introductory experiences on student attitudes about IPE has been demonstrated in a variety of institutional settings and health science professions. Typically, the effectiveness of IPE experiences has been assessed within a single cohort. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential effect of cohort on student attitudes about IPE following an online introductory IPE course delivered to different student cohorts. At the University of Michigan, an introductory online IPE course was delivered to students in 10 health science schools in Fall 2018 (n=993) and Fall 2019 (n…