Therapy Services Educator
UNC Health
Kristel Maes serves as the Therapy Services Educator for the UNC Hospital Rehabilitation department and is responsible for all education related to staff, patient and student education. She is also Site Coordinator of Clinical Education partnering with all therapy programs in NC for clinical placements and is the UNC Coordinator for PT Residency and OT Fellowship programs. Kristel has a Masters of Physical Therapy from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium and obtained a transitional Doctorate in Physical Therapy from UNC CH. She is a Diplomat in the McKenzie method.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background: UNC Healthcare Rehabilitation Therapies hosts hundreds of students on an annual basis from physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, child life, rehabilitation counseling, and recreational therapy programs across the state. A primary goal of the department is to introduce these students to interprofessional collaborative practice and the importance of this practice for improving quality patient care through interprofessional practice. The purpose of the project is to assess the effectiveness of our interprofessional learning experiences to increase students'…