Associate Professor/Clinical
Dr. Mike Geelhoed is an Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Education for the Department of Physical Therapy at UT Health San Antonio. He currently serves as the President of the Texas Physical Therapy Association and has been recognized with multiple teaching and service awards at the local, state, and national levels. He has developed interprofessional initiatives combining PT and Medical Students at both student-run free clinics in San Antonio as well as on global health trips overseas and is a member of the Co-Curricular team for LINC, UT Health San Antonio’s Quality Enhancement Plan for Interprofessional Education.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background: Currently, aspects of ergonomics, including how different health professionals work to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), are taught to first-year dental students (DS1s), occupational therapy students (OTs) and physical therapy students (PTs) uniprofessionally at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UT Health San Antonio). Opportunities exist for these students to learn ergonomics together in didactic and clinical settings, which promises to enhance acquisition of knowledge and skills, including physical assessments and modalities intended to…
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is committed to advancing interprofessional education (IPE). This effort is best demonstrated through our Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Linking Interprofessional Networks for Collaboration (LINC). The QEP involves all schools (dentistry, graduate biomedical sciences, health professions, medicine, and nursing) and is required for institutional accreditation. The primary goals of the QEP include increasing campus-wide IPE knowledge and skills, integration of IPE activities into programs’ curricula, and increasing opportunities for…