Director of the Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education and Professor
The University of Texas at Austin
Veronica Young is the Founding Director of The University of Texas at Austin Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education, where she leads institutional initiatives in education, practice, and scholarship that advances collaborative person-centered health care and population-oriented health. Dr. Young also is Clinical Professor and Director of IPE and Community Engagement at the UT College of Pharmacy. Her areas of practice focus on health literacy, community health empowerment, and patient safety. Dr. Young is a founding member of the Texas IPE Consortium whose mission is to advance IPE across universities and health systems in the state.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
The seminar will introduce socialization of the interprofessional collaborative culture as an important pedagogical approach to prepare health professions students to enter the clinical learning environment and to center the learning experiences on interprofessional health ecosystem that includes patients, families, caregivers, and communities. The authors will share insights and outcomes of a foundational interprofessional course at one major research university that brought together about 300 students and faculty from on-campus four health professions programs (pharmacy, nursing, social…
Telehealth increases health care value and access to care. Its adoption has been accelerated due to COVID-19, impacting practicing clinicians and health professions learners. The abrupt transition to online learning spurred the rapid development of a telehealth simulation with standardized patients for 273 student learners from medicine, nursing, pharmacy and social work enrolled in a longitudinal, 2-semester interprofessional education (IPE) foundations curriculum. The telehealth simulation involving an interprofessional palliative care team meeting with a family caregiver, played by…