
Faculty/Preceptor Development to Facilitate Interprofessional Learning

Presenters in this track at the Nexus Summit 2020 describe a variety of faculty and preceptor development programs to support educators and clinicians to teach, facilitate, evaluate, and disseminate interprofessional collaboration in the classroom and clinical practice settings. This track contains examples of a number of strategies to develop these skills and to support career development for those who are committed to the field of interprofessional practice and education.


Sessions include: an interactive Seminar focused on the essential components of an effective interprofessional faculty development program and six Lightning Talks highlighting an IPE facilitator certification process, high-impact IPE simulation, assessment of IPE activities, IPE scholarship, and publishing IPE work, and preceptor development in the clinical learning environment.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the essential components of effective IPE faculty & preceptor development programs.
  2. Explain how faculty and preceptor development can be deployed to enhance facilitation skills in the didactic, simulation, and clinical learning environments.
  3. Discuss evaluation and scholarly output of IPE endeavors, including a method to produce publishable manuscripts.


Reflective Questions for the Faculty/Preceptor Development to Facilitate Interprofessional Learning Track:

  1. What are the elements of a high-impact interprofessional activity in the didactic or simulation setting? How can interprofessional faculty development help ensure design of high impact activities?
  2. What types of scholarship evolve from IPE evaluation? What are methods to collaborate in IPE scholarship and successfully disseminate the work?
  3. What motivates faculty and preceptors to engage in development? How can it be encouraged?
  4. What are common challenges for faculty development programs? How can these be overcome?


Suggested Resources:


National Center Assessment and Evaluation webinars and guides


Preceptors in the Nexus Toolkit + related resources.


Preceptors in the Nexus


Train the Trainer (T3)


AIHC Vodcast Series