
Interprofessional Curriculum - Simulations

Taken together the presenters in the Interprofessional Curriculum-Simulations track will offer a wide variety of practical techniques and lessons learned in interprofessional simulations, including converting from face-to-face to online.  A wide variety of simulation formats and techniques will be featured in including,  interprofessional simulation debriefings to close performance gaps, virtual interprofessional team simulations, giving feedback, and transition of care simulation, a scoping review of psychological safety in interprofessional simulation, among other topics.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Review considerations and methods for establishing psychological safety as part of interprofessional simulation events for learners, facilitators, and simulated participants (SPs).


  1. Discuss resources for designing and implementing interprofessional simulation education activities including patient-centered scenario creation, online or remote technology, providing constructive feedback to learners and debriefing tools.


  1. Investigate interprofessional simulation exemplars successful in fostering team-based healthcare including across transitions of care, in relation to overcoming weight-based bias, and in order to successfully staff a COVID-19 hotline call center.


Questions for Lighting round presenters:

  1. How does partnering with simulation education professionals support you in evolving and innovating interprofessional simulation curricula?


  1. How were your SP scenarios created and who participated in this?


  1. Prior to COVID-19, I would agree that simulation presented a safe space with greatly reduced risks for learners, faculty, SPs and simulation professionals. In the past 6 months we have had to examine and revaluate new associated risks and several institutions- including our work here in Minnesota at M Simulation-have moved to a hybrid of online and onsite work very quickly in spring 2020. What are your thoughts on this?