Director of Interprofessional Education
University of Minnesota
After graduating from the University of Rochester with both my bachelor’s and medical degrees, I moved to Minnesota where I completed a dual residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota. Now as an associate professor at the university, I am the Director of Interprofessional Education, with responsibility for the IPE curriculum at the University of Minnesota AHC; the Medical Director of the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic, which is a student run free clinic; the Division Director for General Internal Medicine; and a primary care physician.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background: Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) improves patient outcomes and reduces healthcare costs. The Crimson Care Collaborative (CCC) is an interprofessional student-faculty collaborative of 7 clinics throughout Boston. Our objective was to assess change in CCC students’ IPC skills after participation in a novel interprofessional escape room.
Methods: We obtained a license agreement from the University of Minnesota to run a pilot session of their beginner Interprofessional Health Care Escape Room (Friedrich et al. 2018). Students received a brief overview of interprofessional…
An increasing complexity of medicine requires an interprofessional team approach. Countless studies have shown the merits of interprofessionalism, though relatively few have analyzed interprofessionalism through a gendered lens. Of those that have, some have found no difference between men and women as they relate to interprofessional skills/attitudes, while others have suggested that women view interprofessionalism more positively than men. No large studies were found comparing interprofessional skills, rather than attitudes, in women versus men. In this study, we use a direct clinical…