Creighton University
Kimberly Beran-Shepler PT, DPT, OCS, FNAP is an Assistant Professor in the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions as Creighton University. Currently, she teaches musculoskeletal in the entry level DPT curriculum, is the orthopedic residency coordinator, co-directs the IPE Passport for all Creighton health science students and serves on the DPT clinical education team. Dr. Beran-Shepler is very passionate about Interprofessional Education and Practice. She is currently serving her second term on the National Interprofessional Education Consortium (NIPEC), on the membership committee for AIHC and chairs the communication committee for NAP.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
The Creighton University IPE curriculum is a distributed model in which each health science students must complete 3 IPE Passport activities before graduation. Some activities are embedded in the curriculum while others are menu-based. One challenge of this distributed model is that there are variables that cannot be controlled by the IPE Center. Examples include student illness on the day an IPE activity or a student failing to complete a mandatory portion of the activity. Because these variables could negatively impact a student’s ability to graduate, the IPE Center pre-planned a back-up…