Professional Poster

Learner Feedback Regarding IPEC Competencies from a Campus Wide IP Case Based Program

Thursday, August 6, 2020, 10:00 am - 10:00 am EDT

To meet the demands for an evolving interprofessional (IP) healthcare practice, health profession (HP) students are expected to learn about, from, and with each other through interprofessional education (IPE) initiatives in their educational settings. The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) was formed among Regis University’s five Health Professions Schools and Divisions with fundamental goals to facilitate team-based healthcare approaches, to optimize healthcare outcomes and to guide curricula. Formed in 2009, the IPEC encouraged influential partnerships in the academic setting and outlined core competencies for IP collaborative practice. The aim of the current study was to evaluate program effectiveness in specific areas to IPEC Competencies following a campus-wide IPE event.


The IRB-approved, quantitative study used a convenient, self-selected cohort. Subjects included HP students who self-assessed their learning from an IPE event using the Interprofessional Collaborative Competencies Attainment Survey (ICCAS) scale, pre and post event. The theme of the IPE event was ‘clinicians implicit and explicit biases while in collaborative IP teams’ and used a simulated inpatient case with patient case vignettes and group discussion. A total of 180 HP students participated in the IP event, with results revealing a 77% response rate (n=139). Data and feedback were gathered from anonymous pre and post surveys to gauge the participant’s perception of impact IPE had on their learning. Preliminary survey results were overwhelmingly positive towards constructive impact on student’s IP skills and behaviors. While all scores of the ICCAS increased from the IPE event, three areas demonstrated the largest statistical significance: 1) providing constructive feedback to IP team members, 2) seeking out IP team members to address issues, and 3) understanding the abilities and contributions of IP team members. Final results and conclusions will be shared during poster presentation.


As many academic settings struggle to prepare HP students to a dynamic IP clinical environment, this program evaluation study found hosting an IPE event in small IP student groups may support HP students in building IP skills and behaviors such as seeking out IP members and understanding each members’ abilities. These small group, live IPE events may assist HP students in practicing and providing constructive feedback to one another as well. Educators realize practicing this practical dialogue is important for HP students to experience in the middle of their degree program and a small group IPE event may be an excellent preparation source for their future clinical IP collaborative practice.